Inspirock, the travel planning website
22/02/18 14:59
Cruiseship berthing in Villfranche-sur-Mer banner photo
10/04/17 18:43

Below is an image of one of the first cruise ships to berth in Villefranche-sur-Mer. Photo taken by our very own Justin.
Tell us, should we use this image on our "Berthing in Villefranche (Nice)" page, or the image already there?
New Multilingual Website
02/04/17 18:39

We've been busy over the quiet winter months, which is the "off-season" in the South of France.
In terms of tourism, Nice is quiet from November through to mid March. (In reality, the high season hits us around the time of the Cannes Film Festival and the Monaco Grand Prix - normally the second and third weeks of May.)
However, this quiet time of year allows us here to touch base with our many agencies and tidy up loose ends.
One of those loose ends was the redesign of our website, upon which you are reading this article!
We now have a fully multilingual site, which should be location aware. Or, rather, computer settings aware.
So, if you are a native English speaker living in Spain, the site should display in English.
If you're a Spaniard living in Spain, it should display in Spanish.
Et cetera, and depending, of course, in which language you have set your computer up in.
Have a look around, tell us what you think. Certainly, there are things that may need ironing out. So feel free to contact us if you spot inconsistencies. There are contact forms on virtually every page, so shoot us a mail!
Oh, and of course... What do you think of the site, in general? Does it make you wish you were here? Does it help you dream you are?
We look forward to hearing from you.
The team at Sunny Days Prestige Travel